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AIAG+VDA Harmonized FMEA Basic Training


About This Course

BACKGROUND AND TOPICS: Suppliers delivering their products to European and North Ame­rican manufacturers (OEM) are obliged to evaluate the FMEA, based on the VDA and AIAG FMEA manuals. Occasionally, this has led to an increase in the complexity of product development and improvement for suppliers. Joint requirements and expec­tations for FMEA now enable suppliers to design a coherent process for FMEA that meets the needs and expectations of their respective customers. TARGET AUDIENCE: Beginners and prospective users of this method from product and process development, testing, logistics, manufacturing, inspection planning, maintenance and quality. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this workshop is to teach the basics of FMEA and to give practical tips for application. CONCEPT AND METHODS: Before the workshop, an online quiz, for which some excerpts from the FMEA manual are provided, determines the partici­pants' level of knowledge. Then follows the classroom workshop with integrated individual tasks and group exercises, supported by the instructor's special expertise. Eight weeks later, there is a final webinar in which the participants communicate with each other, exchange experiences and ask questions. PREREQUISITES FOR ATTENDANCE: There are no prerequisites for attending this training. CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION: After passing the test, the participants will receive a certificate of qualification. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: AIAG & VDA FMEA manual


Quotations: Quotes are valid for 30 days only. Payments: Payments are due within 30 days from the invoice date. Please note: The delegate's place will only be confirmed once payment or an approved purchase order is received. Certificates will only be issued once full payment is received. For Publications: The price for certain courses includes the official VDA QMC publication and shipping thereof. Please note that additional local customs or delivery fees are for the customer's account and ht+a will not be responsible for these fees. For In-Person Events: The course fee includes the event venue, coffee, refreshments, and lunch. It does not include hotel rooms or travel expenses. ht+a will share the discounted group rate for hotel accommodation with you when available and recommends booking between 2 and 3 weeks prior to each event for rates and flexibility. ht+a is not liable for travel expense losses due to cancellation by either party, weather, flight delays, or other unforeseen circumstances.

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